Mt4.senhasegura.go.dll is from senhasegura?

This DLL is an application from senhasegura.go and can be detected as a virus by some antivirus programs.

The detection of senhasegura.go as malicious by antivirus engines occurs because of the integrations and controls that the solution makes in the operating system. These actions require privileged access and as the operating system does not know how to distinguish malicious agents from others, it is reported as a risk by the antivirus solution.

The functionalities present in senhasegura.go that are affected by this scenario include:

  • Elevation of privilege
  • session recording
  • JIT Session Recording
  • Using offline mode
  • File system and directory monitoring
  • UAC

Known antiviruses that classified passwordsegura.go as malicious are:

  • Windows Defender
  • Avira Pro

IMPORTANT: Other antiviruses not listed above may exhibit the same behavior.

How to solve?

In order for the antivirus to stop alerting senhasegura.go as malicious, it is necessary to include it in the list of files that should be ignored by the antivirus.