Using Regular Expressions (RegEx) in GO Shell with senhasegura.go Windows

The GO Shell functionality of the PEDM GO Endpoint Manager for Windows allows the administrator to control the execution of pre-approved commands, ensuring the management and security of the system. Some fields allow the use of regular expressions (RegEx) to define input patterns; however, it is necessary to use valid regular expressions instead of just characters like an asterisk (*).

Examples of Using RegEx:

  • ping .* accepts any character and quantity;

  • ping\t.* - accepts any character and quantity, including TAB;

  • ping\n.* - accepts any character and quantity, including a newline;

  • ping\r.* - accepts any character and quantity, including carriage return;

  • ping\f.* - accepts any character and quantity, including form feed;

  • ping\s.* - combines all of the above, accepting any character and quantity, including TAB, newline, carriage return, and form feed.


  • Ensure you use a valid regular expression and not just characters like an asterisk (*).

  • RegEx expressions allow greater flexibility and precision when specifying accepted input patterns.


For more information on how to configure and use GO Shell, refer to the senhasegura documentation: How to configure and use GO Shell