Useful commands in web sessions

The senhasegura has the following commands that are useful on the web sessions.

1. Command to close pop up in web sessions :

CTRL + Y + K
***If there’s not a pop up, the session will be closed

2. Access the previous tab:

CTRL + Y + P

3. Access the next tab:

CTRL + Y + N

Also, it’s possible to use the following shortcuts:

1. Command to go to the next page

ALT + -> 

2. Command to go to the previous page

ALT + <-

During a web session is also possible to use the following shortcuts to zoom in or zoom out:

CTRL + Scroll wheel

Would be better if different key combinations were used. Ctrl+P and Ctrl+N already have functions in browsers so when trying to use Ctrl+Y+N/P those things happen as well.