This article will guide you step-by-step through the process of creating a RemoteApp to access SQL Server and MySQL databases using DBeaver.
Prerequisites: Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS) installed, DBeaver application, database credentials registered in senhasegura.
1. Creating a RemoteApp
To use RemoteApp for Windows applications, you need to have Remote Desktop Services installed on the Windows Server.
To create a RemoteApp, navigate to: PAM Core > Settings > Access > RemoteApp > New
You will need to enter the path to the DBeaver executable in the application location field.
2. RemoteApp Dbeaver - SQL Server Connection
When using RemoteApps, you can utilize tags that allow senhasegura to substitute the correct information, such as [username] and [password], which are replaced with the username and password of the credential stored in the vault.
-con "driver=mssql_ms|host=[hostname]|port=1433|database=master|user=[username]|password=[password]"
Full RemoteApp:
3. RemoteApp Dbeaver - Mysql Connection
-con "driver=mysql|host=[hostname]|port=3306|user=[username]|password=[password]"
Full RemoteApp: