Senhasegura Behavior with Audited Commands

When the audited commands option is enabled in senhasegura, the system implements a “fake shell”, which acts as an intermediary shell. This functionality offers an additional level of control and security, but also changes some common experiences of interaction with the terminal.

How ​​Fake Shell Works:

  1. Command Intermediation:
  • The fake shell intercepts the commands typed by the user, allowing senhasegura to audit them before they are sent to the target device.
  1. Differentiation in Terminal Use:
  • Different Shell: The terminal environment presented to the user may differ from the device’s native shell, since it is designed to mediate interactions.

  • Different Copy-Paste: Copy and paste operations may work differently due to the intermediary shell, requiring users to adapt to new usage patterns.

  • Modified Terminal Experience: Since the terminal is not directly that of the machine being accessed, the interface and operational nuances may appear different to the user.