Report to monitor robots orbmon

1. To obtain a report that will monitor the robots, it is necessary to install the monitor with the command:

apt-get install orbit-monitor


2. Run the following commands to use the report:

orbmon execution status -i CoauAuditorDaemon -b
orbmon execution status -i TaskProcessor -b

Possible outputs when using -b:

  • 0: Robot activated and running
  • 1: Robot activated and not working
  • 2: Disable (only if filtering by robot)

orbmon execution status

The parameter -b will return 1 when there is an error in the robot itself, not in its execution, or the status is different from “Correct”. If a single robot meets this condition, the human intervention will be necessary.

Status 0 will indicate that everything is okay.

A single or a set of disabled robots will not make the overall status 2.
