How to start session in Terminal Proxy using SSH Key

To start a session to a device in senhasegura with a SSH Key using Terminal Proxy:

Connect to senhasegura and then to a device using SSH Key

  1. Use a SSH Client to connect to senhasegura

ssh |user|@|senhasegura|

|user| is the username to login in senhasegura
|senhasegura| is the senhasegura IP or DNS


ssh [email protected]

  1. Connect to a device using a registered SSH Key

ssh key\|ssh_key|@|device|

|ssh_key| is the name of the ssh key registered in senhasegura
|device| is the device IP or DNS registered in senhasegura


ssh key\mykey@mydevice

Connect to a device using SSH Key in senhasegura using multihop

  1. User a SSH Client to connect to the device using a SSH Key through senhasegura

ssh |user|[key\\|ssh_key|@|device|]@|senhasegura|

|user| is the username to login in senhasegura
|ssh_key| is the name of the ssh key registered in senhasegura
|device| is the device IP or DNS registered in senhasegura
|senhasegura| is the senhasegura IP or DNS


ssh user_test[key\\mykey@mydevice]