How to perform a VNC connection on senhasegura PAM(Windows)?


  • Before configuring VNC server, it’s important to make sure that you must be using the enterprise account.
  • Home or professional accounts won’t work.
  • The VNC Server it is Real VNC Server. These steps are just a recommendation, it is not an official senhasegura procedure.

1. Access the website to downloading and configure the VCN Server.

2. After downloading and configuring the VNC Server, in the main page click on Menu > Options.

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3. Click on ‘Security’, change the Encryption type to ‘Prefer on’ or ‘Prefer off’ and change the authentication to ‘VNC password’, after that, click on Apply:


A new screen will be displayed with the password specification screen where you can set the new password.

4. Now select the flag ‘Allow connections from legacy VNC Viewer users’ and click on ‘OK’:


5. Register the ‘Device’ on senhasegura using the correct IP and on the tab ‘Connectivity’ use the VNC with the proper port.