How to configure two Zabbix Servers on senhasegura (Using Orbit cli)

At this moment it’s just possible to configure a single Zabbix server on senhasegura as you can see below:

But I would like to configure two Zabbix servers on my senhasegura, how do I do it?

So, in this case, we won’t use the senhasegura web interface, but the orbit cli.
Firstly we need to log in to senhasegura using the user mt4adm:

After logging in, we need to allow the Zabbix servers IPs on the senhasegura firewall, as you can see below:

In this picture, you see that lines 35 and 36 corresponds an each Zabbix server.

For to this configuration, use:

vim /etc/iptables/rules.v4

and before the line with "COMMIT" (line 37), add the following string:

-A ZABBIX -s zabbix_server_ip/32 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10050 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT

add a line for each server that you want to set (in the picture we’ve two lines).
Now that the rules have been configured, we’ll configure the Zabbix.

Go to /etc/zabbix and edit:"

vim zabbix_agentd.conf

At line 98, fill up with the Zabbix IPs, separated by a comma:

And at line 139, fill up with the Zabbix IPs and port 10050:

Now save the file and restart the service:

/etc/init.d/zabbix-agent restart

At this moment the Zabbix servers have been configured on senhasegura and now you just need to register senhasegura on Zabbix monitoring.



A senhasegura tem um template para o monitoramento? Se não, qual o template dever ser utilizado para o zabbix 6.2?

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Olá Henrique!

Obrigada pela sua contribuição ao fórum!

Temos um template compatível para Zabbix 6.2, segue o link:

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@Marina_Oliveira, sabe me informar se a senhasegura possui um template para o Zabbix 5.0?

Olá Heitor
Temos o Template 5.2 neste link 5.2 - Google Drive
Espero que seja útil!