Extracting Details on Password Change Errors in senhasegura

senhasegura performs individual password change in credentials and register detailed logs encountered during an execution. An example is the error ‘expect wait timeout’, which indicates that an expect command within the password change template was waiting for a variable that did not appear within the timeout period. If you have a large number of errors and wish to extract the details, validate the following alternative:

  1. Filter Credentials With Errors:
  • Grid Menu → Executions → List operations
  • Use the filter to select the desired date and set the credential status to ‘Error’.
  • Mark the ‘Show transaction details’ checkbox.
  1. Extract CSV with Details:
  • After applying the filters, select the three dots in the upper right corner.
  • Click on ‘Extract .csv’.
  • The extracted CSV will contain the error details for all the filtered credentials, allowing comprehensive analysis without the need to export individually for each credential.