Ensuring Continuity of Authentication on senhasegura during LDAP Server Updates

When updating LDAP servers, it is crucial to take measures to ensure the continuity of senhasegura authentication and minimize any possible interruption of access to the application. If the LDAP service is stopped, senhasegura users who use this service will not be able to log in, limiting access only to users authenticated through the local provider.

It is recommended to follow the guidance in the senhasegura documentation on how to add users to the local authentication provider. This will ensure continuity of access even in cases of interruption of the LDAP service:

How to manage user authentication providers

If multiple AD servers are being used, the system will attempt to authenticate to each server one at a time, with a timeout period of 30 seconds for each server. If one does not authenticate, it will move on to the next. However, when a local provider user, such as the admin user, is used, this validation process is skipped, following up with a local authentication.