Credential configuration by VNC Linux

Does anyone know how to correctly configure a Linux credential by VNC?
Make the configuration but do not enter directly, it sends to a window to select the user on the Combobox, but it asks for a password

Hi @Esteban_Ac,
It is necessary to configure the parameterization of the logged-in users, the red hat cannot return the screen with the users.

VNC configuration on Linux devices:

On the Linux (target) device, open a terminal.

  1. Update system:
    sudo apt update
  2. Install Lightdm Screen Administrator:
    sudo apt install lightdm
  3. Restart the system
    sudo reboot
  4. Log in to new home screen (with lightdm)
  5. Install x11vnc (VNCserver):
    sudo apt install x11vnc
  6. Enable VNC in ubuntu:

In the senhasegura web interface:

  1. Add the VNC connection to the device registry, on port 5900:
  2. Enable VNC connection in the credential registry:
  3. Start the remote session by selecting the VNC connection type:
  4. After that, the session will start.