Configuring Multiple Domains in senhasegura

In senhasegura, you can add and configure more than one domain, allowing for the integration and effective management of multiple Active Directory (AD) or LDAP environments. Below is the step-by-step procedure for adding a new domain:

Step-by-Step Guide to Configuring a New Domain:

  1. Access System Parameters:
  • Navigate to Grid Menu → Settings → System Parameters → System Parameters.
  1. Select LDAP/ Active Directory:
  • Within the system parameters, locate and select the LDAP/ Active Directory section. This section is dedicated to domain-related settings.
  1. Configure Existing Domains or Add New:
  • You will see the settings for existing domains, and you will have the option to add a new domain by clicking on New Domain.
  • Complete the required fields to connect the new domain.

Important Considerations:

  • Connectivity Verification: After adding a new domain, be sure to test connectivity and user synchronization to ensure that the domain is integrated correctly.