Follow the steps below to configure senhasegura.go to allow elevated privileges only for selected applications and deny elevation for all others:
- Disable Privilege Elevation Globally:
Access: Settings > System Parameters > System Parameters.
Navigate to Go Endpoint Manager and, in the Elevation Settings area, disable the privilege elevation option.
This will ensure that senhasegura does not allow privilege elevation in any application by default.
- Create Application Whitelist:
Access the access list in GO Endpoint Manager-> Policies-> Windows-> Access lists.
Create a whitelist by including the names of the applications for which privilege elevation should be allowed.
This will instruct senhasegura that only the applications in this list are authorized for privilege elevation.
- Block Execution of Unauthorized Applications:
- To block the execution of all applications (with and without elevation) and allow only selected applications to run, create a deny list.
- Add the applications that users should not be able to open. This way, any application not listed in the whitelist will be blocked.