502 Bad Gateway

After installation, I made a stem update and completed the access orbit step, during which my system turned off and I started getting a 502 bad gateway error when it opened.

Hi UmutCan Purtul.

Please, try to open the solution in the private tab in your browser.

If it doesn’t work, try to execute the update again.

Hi Aydemir Diniz;
I ran the update again but it didn’t work.

# apt-get update
after the procedure
#apt-get upgrade
It has to be done.

This is how I solved the problem

Note: The IP address should not be changed during this process.

Great @umutcanpurtul.

Yes. You cannot change the IP address during the upgrade process.

Thank you for sharing the solution with the Community.

The senhasegura Community is better with you. :smiley:

Thanks for be interested

Here I will share the solutions to the problems I encountered.

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